The Lagos State Police Command has freed renowned street artist, Habeeb Okikiola, popularly known as Portable, following a night spent in police detention. Portable was...
In the 19th century and even before, Bobriskys were lynched like common criminals. Their sin was their considered unusual sexuality. Until then, homosexual activities were classified...
I was at the Unbarred concert of the NBA and I left the venue at 01:45 am not because of the Musician known and called...
It was the musician, Habeeb Okikiola, also known as Portable, who tested the ‘weightier’ between the power of a celebrity and the authority of the state...
The Ogun State Police Command has arraigned singer Habeeb Okikiola popularly known as Portable on six counts bordering on assault. The “Zazu Zeh” crooner was arraigned...
A driver of popular singer, Habeeb Okikiola, popularly known as Portable, has reportedly killed a commercial motorcyclist in an accident that occurred around Iyana Ilogbo, on...