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Nigeria: Statement on the death of an aid worker from COVID-19 – Kallon



I am very saddened to confirm the death of a health worker on 18 April who had contracted the new coronavirus disease COVID-19. Our sincerest condolences go to his family, friends and colleagues who are all deeply affected by the loss.

Despite the risks, this Nigerian health worker was devoting his life to treating vulnerable internally displaced persons who have lost everything during the conflict raging in the north-east. He had no travel history outside of Borno State and made the ultimate sacrifice.

Aid organisations, under the lead of the World Health Organisation (WHO), are working closely with the National Center for Disease Control (NCDC), Borno State Government, the Federal Ministry of Health and the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development, to trace anyone whom the nurse may have been in contact with in Borno State, and to bolster measures to prevent the spread of the virus and protect IDPs and communities in Borno State.

The humanitarian community reaffirms it is working closely with Nigerian authorities. Together, all actors are doing their utmost to reinforce protection and prevention measures against COVID-19.

Aid workers are following NCDC guidance and all staff that arrived from abroad before the airport shut down have gone into self-isolation. Humanitarian actors have adapted their way of working to prevent the spread of the virus. Quarantine facilities are being set up across the state by aid workers, in support of Borno State authorities, and particularly at all points of entry from neighbouring countries. A COVID-19 treatment facility and a testing laboratory have been established in Maiduguri and a second treatment facility is being developed. Humanitarian actors are installing hand-washing stations and ensuring supply of clean water in IDP camps and vulnerable communities, as well as distributing soap and chlorinated solution where water is not readily available.

Nearly 8 million people are in need of urgent humanitarian aid in the conflict-affected states of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe, with many depending on assistance to survive. Functional health facilities, especially in remote locations in Borno State, are scarce and over 3 million people urgently need food assistance. With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting many areas in Nigeria, it is essential for the most vulnerable to continue receiving humanitarian aid, including water and soap or substitute solutions.

Out of respect and consideration for the family and the IDPs, the humanitarian community in Nigeria is asking the general public, including the media, to refrain from sharing any COVID-19 related information that is not confirmed by the NCDC, the Ministry of Health or WHO. The spread of misinformation may put the vulnerable people and aid workers at risk.


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Mr Edward Kallon, is the Humanitarian Coordinator in Nigeria




Nigeria: Police Allege Irregularities, Corruption in Recruitment Process





The Nigeria Police Force (NPF) has raised concerns over alleged irregularities and corruption in the recently released list of successful candidates for the 2022/23 Police Constables Recruitment Exercise by the Police Service Commission (PSC).

In a statement issued by the Force Public Relations Officer, Olumuyiwa Adejobi, it was revealed that the list published on the Police Service Commission (PSC) portal includes numerous names of individuals who did not apply for the recruitment exercise and thus did not participate in any phase of it.

“The published list contains several names of candidates who either failed the Computer Based Test (CBT), the physical screening exercise, or both,” the statement noted.

Also, the statement further highlighted that individuals who were deemed medically unfit after standard medical tests and were disqualified from the exercise somehow appeared on the list of successful candidates.

“The most troubling aspect is the allegation of financial dealings and corrupt practices leading to the inclusion of unqualified and untrainable individuals on the list,” it added.

The Inspector General of Police (IGP) reportedly expressed objections to the list in a letter addressed to the Chairman of the Police Service Commission on June 10, 2024. The objections emphasized the discrepancies and irregularities discovered, underscoring the Police’s concern over the recruitment process.

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“While recognizing the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Commission’s authority to recruit for the police, the Police reiterated that this authority does not extend to recruiting unqualified and untrained individuals,” the statement clarified.

The Police Service Commission, following the Supreme Court’s ruling on its recruitment powers, had constituted a Joint Recruitment Board to oversee the process. However, according to the statement, the Board was allegedly hampered and prevented from fulfilling its mandate, culminating in a final list that was not endorsed by the Board itself.

Consequently, the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) has distanced itself from the published list and called for a comprehensive review process that ensures transparency and credibility.

The statement emphasized the Police’s commitment to recruiting qualified, competent, trainable, and productive individuals into the force, aligning with the vision of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration on police reform.

The recruitment exercise has been fraught with controversy, including the resignation of the former Chairman of the Police Service Commission, Musiliu Smith, in 2023 amidst ongoing disputes over recruitment procedures.

The Police Service Commission had advertised the recruitment for constables, prompting conflicting notices from both the Commission and the Police regarding their respective roles in the recruitment process.

In its statement, the Nigeria Police Force urged the public to disregard the Commission’s recruitment notices, asserting that recruitment processes remain solely within the purview of the Police Force.

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Zamfara Begins Payment of N30,000 Minimum Wage Ahead of Eid-ul-Adha




Governor Dauda Lawal of Zamfara State

Zamfara Begins Payment of N30,000 Minimum Wage Ahead of Eid-ul-Adha

The Zamfara State Government has initiated the payment of the N30,000 minimum wage to civil servants in the North-Western state, following a commitment made by Governor Dauda Lawal.

The announcement came after a meeting between Governor Lawal and labour union leaders, where the decision to implement the wage increase startinginm June was confirmed.

According to a statement released on Friday by Sulaiman Bala Idris, the governor’s spokesperson, civil servants in Zamfara began receiving their June salaries on the 12th of the month, in preparation for the Eid-ul-Adha celebrations.

Previously, employees had been receiving a significantly lower monthly salary of N7,000.

“The Zamfara state government, led by Governor Dauda Lawal, has disbursed the June salary to support workers in preparing for the upcoming Eid celebration,” the statement affirmed.

Governor Lawal’s administration has emphasized its commitment to improving the welfare of workers, with efforts including the payment of previously withheld salaries, leave grants, owed gratuities, and ensuring timely salary payments.

The statement further noted the government’s ongoing dedication to reform and revitalize the Zamfara civil service.

“This is in line with the fulfillment of the promise made by the governor last month to implement the N30,000 minimum wage,” the statement reiterated.

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Eid-el-Kabir: Ladoja Urges Muslims to Emulate Prophet Ibrahim





High Chief Rashidi Adewolu Ladoja, the Otun Olubadan of Ibadanland, and former governor of Oyo state has called on Muslims across Nigeria to draw inspiration from the exemplary life of Prophet Ibrahim as they observe Eid-el-Kabir.

In a heartfelt address, High Chief Ladoja underscored the significance of reflecting on Prophet Ibrahim’s teachings and sacrifices during this auspicious occasion.

He emphasized the importance of unity among Muslim faithful and collaboration with adherents of other faiths, emphasizing these as crucial for fostering peace and advancing Nigeria’s progress.

“High Chief Ladoja encourages Muslims to draw inspiration from Prophet Ibrahim’s life and to avoid actions that could undermine national unity,” a statement from his office conveyed.

Highlighting the enduring values of faith and perseverance, High Ladoja likened them to Prophet Ibrahim’s steadfast commitment to his beliefs despite facing numerous challenges.

“As we celebrate Eid-el-Kabir, let us remember the enduring lessons of sacrifice, love, and piety,” remarked former Governor Ladoja.

He concluded his address by extending warm Eid-el-Kabir wishes to Muslims in Ibadanland, Oyo State, and across Nigeria, urging them to celebrate joyfully and meaningfully.


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