
Marlians: An emerging clan of millennials



No doubt, what occupied the minds of the youths nowadays is far more than development in Science and Technology but to grow in anti-social activities and violence. These days, listening to music is almost on everybody’s favourite list because it is somewhat a sort of remedy, a lift for the soul up, and a soothe the mind.

However, studies have revealed that music may potentially have the most negative effect on teens as a result of explicit lyrics, messages of these genres, accompanied by videos or graphics containing destructive themes. Presently, there is an emerging clan of Millennials in Nigeria popularly known as Marlians. The question from a sane mind is who are the Marlians?

Marlians are the fanatic followers and fans of a Nigerian singer and songwriter, Afeez Fashola professionally known as ‘Naira Marley’. Naira Marley is presently enjoying a huge fan base more than any other artist in Nigeria. Almost on a regular basis, he releases musical hits which evoke memories, images, emotions and feelings into the conscious minds of the millenials.

The youths are now influenced by his music and music videos. It was concluded that the majority of the youths, including teenagers, have a strong affection for his style of dressing, characteristics, speaking of Naira Marley. They have cultivated more habit of watching and listening to his music than any sensible musician in order to improve and master all his ways.

Either consciously or unconsciously, many young boys and men, even girls (ladies) now, publicly identify and associate with the Marlians. This tribe – ‘Marlians’ are spreading not like wildfire but like the deadly COVID-19 pandemic. Interestingly, many prominent Pastors and Imams children, top politicians children and children of top civil servants, among others, are the followers of Naira Marley!

Investigations also unearthed that the Marlians, just like any other group, exhibit some predominant characteristics. The female Marlians don’t wear a bra, while the Male among them wear trouser to half of their buttocks and adhered strictly to ‘Zero belt’, that’s why they are called ‘No-belt gang.’

Naira Marley gave this rule in the lyrics of his song titled PUTA. He specifically mentioned that folks should believe in and follow the practices of “Zero belts, thousand trousers”.

Marlians consume drugs and alcohol excessively. Almost all his videos encouraged alcohol and India hemp, among other drugs. Naira Marley called himself ‘Igbolabi’ meaning he was born to smoke weed. Unfortunately, these young boys and girls, who pride him as their role model, also consume alcohol and drugs to express their loyalty to the Marlians group.

Since Naira Marley wears long dreads, most of his followers also keep dreads.

The group labelled itself Zero Manners which was established in the lyrics of PUTA, where Naira Marley reiterated that ‘Marlians don’t have manners’. The interpretation of this is that they are meant to defy all manners taught initially and disobey constituted authorities.

Continuing, they have little regard or fear for anything or anyone as reechoed by their Idol, Naira Marley when ‘he forty’ as ‘O fo ti’; meaning that folks should not be afraid of anything whatsoever.

In a related development, the singer promotes get rich quick philosophy by glorifying internet fraud known as ‘Yahoo-Yahoo’. Most of his songs encouraged internet fraud. He believed money made from fraud should be spent on alcohol, drugs, and sex.

Another important rule of Marlians is, “Marlians don’t graduate, they drop-out”. This rule sounds controversial because Naira Marley who said “Big Booty Is Better Than Having A Masters Degree”, graduated with a distinction in business from Peckham Academy and also went ahead to study Business Law at Crossways College.

It is no gainsaying to submit that the influence of Naira Marley through his music and lifestyle in the world among Nigerian youths have become rooted in his behavioural pattern of its audience. The concern now is that his music has affected youths in the way of dressing, speaking and behaviour. He is now the major determinant of their ways of life. He has successfully contributed to a fall’ in the moral standard of our society.

Parents are advised to watch over their wards and children, and also understand the characteristics so that they can proactively learn to engage them in meaningful ventures.



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