
Dominican University celebrates Architect Demas Nwoko, unveils Chair of African Architectural Aesthetics



In a momentous celebration on December 15th, 2023, at Dominican University, Samonda, Ibadan, Architect Demas Nwoko was honoured for his impactful contributions.

The event introduced the Academic Chair of Philosophy of African Architectural Aesthetics dedicated to Nwoko, acknowledging his lasting legacy.

Rev. Fr. Prof. Dokun Oyeshola, OP, the Vice-Chancellor, lauded Nwoko’s exceptional influence in African architectural aesthetics. The focal point was Nwoko’s 50-year-old masterpiece, the historic Dominican Chapel, now a renowned tourist destination.

Festivities featured a Keynote Lecture by Dr. Stephen Ajayi on “Architecture, Spirituality, and the Ethos of African Architecture.” A documentary on Nwoko’s life and a Panel Discussion on “Cultivating Synergies: Uniting Creativity for Development” added depth.

The highlight was the unveiling of the Demas Nwoko Chair of Philosophy of African Architectural Aesthetics. This prestigious chair aims to promote the study of African architectural aesthetics, ensuring its preservation and growth.

Nwoko received awards and an honourary certificate for The Dominican Chapel from the university registrar and Superior of the Dominican Community.

In humble remarks, he expressed gratitude for the unexpected tribute, reflecting on his life journey redirected to architecture after a life-altering train accident.

Despite international accolades, Nwoko emphasised his unwavering dedication, assuring, “I am not finished yet.” He hopes the Demas Nwoko Chair evolves into a school, fostering young talents and perpetuating African architectural heritage.

Dignitaries, including the Catholic Archbishop of Ibadan and President of the Nigerian Institute of Architects, graced the event. The celebration concluded with a reception and a tour of the iconic Dominican Chapel, underscoring Nwoko’s enduring legacy and the event’s significance in preserving African architectural aesthetics.



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